Tweak Thickness Line ()
This will help to your Scene artist or Animators to tweak the line weight easily and also animated if there is a zoom in or out and you want to keep the asset's line weigh cohesive.
When you run the script you will see a pop up whith different options. Enable, Disbale is to turn it on / off, then we will see many different function, this will allow you to have more than one tweak. Then, there is remove, which will get rid of the funtions and unlink every node that were linked to them.
Move Colour ()
This script was made to help riggers when they do have to fill a bunch of drawigns at once, and then move that colour to another layer.
When you run this script, everything you have to do is first, select the switch colour you want to move, then run the script and select the origin and destination layer. It will go through all the drawings of the node selected and move your colour to the layer selected.
Skp Pegs ()
This Script is useful when you do not want the animators could select a sensible node. In this example, we can have a master character to create multiple and different characters from it and we want to keep the same heriarchy for the animators.
The script will read the name of the node and jump those nodes with the prefix SKP so the animator, when press B to hierarchy up, willl not select those nodes that are just for riggers.